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A Place to Shine

Our key aim at The Enchanted Tree Nursery is to provide the children in our care with a safe, inclusive, friendly, and nurturing environment in which they can thrive and feel loved and valued.

This is at the forefront of all that we do, and we hope that you will take comfort in the knowledge that ETN is a positive setting in which your child will be actively encouraged to learn, exercise their body and imagination, make friendships and (most importantly) have fun!

With our progressive and holistic early childhood education philosophy, we understand that each child has unique needs and interests. We provide the environment and tools your child needs to thrive to the best of their abilities.

When we expose children to different environments and various learning experiences, we allow them to explore their self-awareness and gain a sense of the world around them. Once they leave The Enchanted Tree Nursery, they’re fully prepared for the next stage of their young lives.

Kids Painting


  • To provide a safe, stimulating environment both indoors and outdoors for children to learn, develop and grow.

  • To nurture the self-esteem of each individual child as well as to respect and value them.

  • To create learning opportunities which challenge each child in an environment in which they feel confident.

  • To successfully include parents and carers in the growth and development of their child, providing links to home.

  • To encourage and promote a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet and a wide variety of opportunities for children to enjoy exercise and to include it in their everyday life.

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The Enchanted Tree Nursery will:

  • Invest in quality natural furniture, toys and resources for all environments within the establishment;

  • Celebrate achievements, offer empathy, and support risk-taking in a safe and controlled environment;

  • Involve both child and parents / carers in decision making that affects nursery life, promoting the active involvement of parents and carers;

  • Track and provide evidence of each child’s individual progress and offer support where required, taking into consideration the next steps for each child; and

  • Integrate the rights of the child through the curriculum and day to day nursery life.


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